Every Friday I lead part of an assembly for about 150 primary school students. Together with two teachers, we give a short Bible message and (try to) teach them a new song. A couple weeks ago I was trying to plan an assembly about salvation, and the idea of the Roman Road came up. Since we try to make the assemblies as fun and interactive as possible, we tend to do a lot of skits. I searched for Roman Road skits and found several options, but nothing that quite fit what we were wanting or able to do. In the end, I wrote my own version based on some of the main Bible verses from the Roman Road. I wanted to include it here in case anyone else likes the idea of doing a skit and doesn’t feel like writing their own.
This can take about five or ten minutes depending on how much acting you want to add in. I didn’t put too many notes because improv is more fun anyway.
Disclaimer: You will need to make a car out of a cardboard box, but that is possibly the most fun part.
Roman Road
Another Person
Other Person
(or Driver plus up to five other people to help hold signs and whatnot)
Driver enters the stage in his car. Without noticing, he goes past a sign with an arrow that says “Roman Road.” Driver looks really annoyed.
Driver: Stupid, stupid, stupid… How could she, my own mother, tell me to get out and cool off? My brother was the one who started it! Every time we get in a fight she blames me. I did nothing wrong, I tell you! I am a good person who knows how to behave and I don’t need to be chased from home when I didn’t do anything wrong. I’M A GOOD PERSON!!!
Driver stops as he reaches a yellow triangle sign held by Another Person that says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.”
Driver: Okay, yeah, but not me. Sinners are just the really bad people. (The person holding the sign points to the word “all.”) Seriously? You mean I have also sinned? But all I did was call my brother a— (before he can finish the person points to the word “all” again. Driver keeps quiet, humbled.) Oh… um, I guess my mom was right… but I should keep going…
Driver continues down the road, deep in thought.
Driver: Okay, so I am a sinner. I can’t believe it… but really, sin isn’t that big of a deal is it? If I have sinned, it can’t be that bad.
He stops as he reaches another sign held by Other Person. This one is red and says “For the wages of sin is death.”
Driver: Death? Not a time out? Not going to bed without supper? Death? Hmm, this sin must be more serious than I thought. But if we have all sinned, where is hope?
Other Person turns the side around to a green side that says, “but the gift of God is eternal life. Romans 6:23.”
Driver: Eternal life?! You mean through Jesus? I’ve heard of Him. Something how He died to save us from our sins. (He keeps driving, talking to himself.) Now that I know I am a sinner, I guess that means He died for me too. So… I have sinned and I deserve to die. But then Jesus came and died instead, so now I get to live? That doesn’t seem fair. Why would He do such a thing? Whoa!
Driver stops suddenly when he notices another sign in front of him (held by Another Person), reading “But God shows His love for us, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.”
Driver: But God shows His love for us… you mean He sent Jesus to die because He loves me?! God loves me? Even when I yell at my brother? Even when I skip school? Even when I fall asleep in church? Even when I tell little lies? And big ones? Wow, He must have a lot of love to love someone like me. He sounds like a pretty awesome God! (Starts driving again) He sounds so great, I’d like to stay with Him forever. Yes, that is exactly what I shall do—I shall follow God for the rest of my life… but how?
A railroad crossing bar comes down in front of him, held by Other Person. Hanging from it is a sign, which Driver leans in to read:
Driver: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9”. I can do that! (shouting to the sky) Jesus, I believe You are Lord! I believe You are the Son of God! I believe You died for my sins and God raised You from the dead! Woohoo!
He quiets down and waits for a moment, looking around and waiting for something to happen. Another Person runs onstage and tears the steering wheel from his car.
Another Person: Well, I guess you won’t be needing this anymore.
Driver: What do you mean, I don’t need it? How am I going to steer?
Another Person: You just gave your life to Jesus, didn’t you?
Driver: Yes…
Another Person: Then Jesus is your driver now! He will take you everywhere you need to go; you just need to stay in the car and follow Him.
As he says that, the crossing bar goes up and the car starts moving. Driver acts as if this is all a surprise to him and that he does not have control of the car.
Driver: This is weird… but Jesus, you are a pretty good driver! Now, where are we going next?
They turn a corner and see a sign listing upcoming cities and their distances. It says things like Prayer Town, Bible City, and Church-ville.
Driver: Wow, this looks like it is going to be one fun ride! Whoaaaa! (He quickly “gets driven” around the corner and out of sight again.)